Getting colder in New Zealand...
There was a layer of powdery ice on the trees outside. (Sorry about the dirty window!)
Most leaves of the Gingko trees on our driveway are on the ground.
Recently, mother-in-law started showing interest in gardening and landscaping, and our garden now looks like this.
These trees create nice shade in summer, so she made special places to put tea/coffee cups to enjoy afternoon tea under the trees.
You may not be able to see on this photo, but these are made of broken plates. She broke them into small size and glued them like tiles. (I guess this is called "Mosaic".)
Oh, about the trees around our place -- you know, if this is in Japan, a gardener comes and snips the trees carefully with a pair of large scissors; but this is New Zealand.
If you do something like that, Christmas will be here.
So, we use this!
Then, the machine stopped working! It broke half way through the job!
If this happens in Japan, they will bring a replacement machine instantly and complete the job.
Here, we had several men discussing what to do until dark, and they went home leaving the machine on our property!
They returned the next day and did exactly the same thing as the day before -- just discussing how to remove the arm of the machine.
It started again on the third day and voila! They finished the job.
By the way, as you know I started a Lucrin injection for my endometriosis. Wicked headaches started a few days after that and I've been having trouble to sleep at night when the pain starts.
So, I searched on the internet, and found that I was supposed to drink 3L of water!
Isn't this person joking? Who can drink that lot of water in cold winter?
ちなみにこの相談者も"but man i am keeping fit running up and down the stair to the loo"と書いてますが、トイレに行く回数がものすごくなりそう。。。
As the "donaldsont" lady wrote, I will end up visiting the toilet so many times at night! (Then I won't be able to sleep anyway.)
So, as someone suggested on the website, I'm taking Panadol to ease the pain. I'm surviving so far!